Rabid Toxicologist are FOAMing at the mouth to launch their blog
As medical toxicologists we have sat, laid down, and rolled over, as other medical professionals have dominated FOAMtox and social media. We know that you are begging for toxicology content. We know that the contributions we have individually made over the years are only scratching at the surface. We know this is our territory and it is time we mark it. That is why we are unleashing the Tox and the Hound. We’re collectively taking all of those meaty toxicology bones we have squirreled away over the years and dropping them at the feet of the FOAM community. As you can see, our pack has some of brightest toxicology minds in the country. Each week our hounds will sniff out the toxicology controversies. We will dig up the issues buried in the literature. We will fetch those topics that we have been itching to tackle. We have been slobbering to do this.
But we need you, our loyal friends. We don’t want to be nosey, but we want to know what you, the reader, thinks. Let us know what you would like us to sink our teeth into. Hound us. We will do our best to be obedient. But, be patient. It is going to take some training. There will be accidents along the way. But with your help we can get over the hump and become The Big Dog in FOAMtox. Feeling friendly? You know how we like to say hi.
Who’s a good dog? We are!
So glad you are doing this! Great content for a great website:@)