Diane Calello – @DrDianeC
Diane Calello is the Medical Director of the NJ Poison Control Center at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. A short person by birth and a pediatric toxicologist by choice, she cares for poisoned patients of all sizes. Other interests include pugs and parenthood.
Jon Cole – @jonbcole2
Jon Cole has a degree in music performance, which naturally led to becoming an emergency physician and medical toxicologist. Currently he is medical director of the Minnesota Poison Control System and plays bass in a rock band with 7 lawyers. He makes an annual pilgrimage to Colorado to remind himself what truly awesome alpine skiing is, and feels incredibly lucky to be part of his loving family.

Howard Greller – @heshiegreshie
Howard is a lifetime New Yorker, lover of 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine, and aims to catalog every hole in the human body and what people squirrel inside. Oh, and he’s a toxicologist as well.
David Juurlink – @DavidJuurlink
Dave came perilously close to life as a mediocre drummer living in a van down by the river. Somehow, he ended up as an internist, clinical pharmacologist and medical toxicologist at Sunnybrook Health Sciences in Toronto. In his spare time, he’s a dad/chauffeur/ATM to a household of kids, passable cook, mediocre drummer, mediocre-er squash player and snowboarder-treehunter hybrid.

Jeff Lapoint – @lapizity
Jeff Lapoint is the Director of the Medical Toxicology Division at Kaiser Permanente San Diego. He is a father, aging video gamer, surfer, spearfisherman, and an occasionally willing MMA punching bag. Dedicated Guardian of the Toxicology Galaxy. Scruffier and marginally funnier in person.
Jeanna Marraffa – @jmmarraffa
Jeanna comes to you from the snowiest city in the U.S. She wears the structure of serotonin on her lab coat, partly to stump her students, but mainly because she is kind of nerdy. She is a wanna-be runner, a part time yogi and an all ’round lover of sun and sand. She likes drugs :). And their mechanisms. Because of that she doped her way through pharmacy school and yada-yada-yada is now a clinical toxicologist.
Christine Murphy – @cmurphytoxdoc
Christine is a Jersey shore girl at heart. She works as a medical toxicologist and emergency medicine physician because fostering dogs doesn’t pay the bills. She loves ice cream, gardening, and has an inexplicable love of boxing.

Dan Rusyniak – @drusyniak
Dan is a Hillbilly Hoosier toxicologist, underwater kung fu fighting enthusiast, and beat Mario Kart:Double Dash in mirror mode.

Sarah Shafer – @toxiferoustales
Sarah is a medical toxicologist, EM physician, and amateur glutton.

Meghan Spyres – @mbspyres
Meghan Spyres is a Medical Toxicologist and Emergency Physician at USC. A New Yorker at heart, she bravely faces Southern California sunny skies and sunny dispositions on a daily basis.

Andrew Stolbach – @toxicologist12
Andrew Stolbach is a Medical Toxicologist and Emergency Physician at Johns Hopkins Hospital. He is a lifelong student of medicine, jiujitsu, wrestling. He has read a biography of every US President.
Trevonne Thompson – @trevthomps
Trevonne Thompson is an emergency physician and medical toxicologist at the University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System in Chicago. He is a medical educator, martial artist, archer, and distance runner. He believes that archery should be the official sport of medical toxicology.