by Christine Murphy What do you think about when you hear the words “drug toxicity”? Do you think about a patient who overdosed or someone who is experiencing a toxic side effect from a medication? A lot of times, the answer might depend on what we remember about a drug when we hear the name. […]
Tox and Hound – Fellow Friday – Drug and Toxin-Induced Hepatic Microvesicular Steatosis
Drug and Toxin-Induced Hepatic Microvesicular Steatosis From Captain Bligh to Bacillus cereus by Steven Curry, M.D. Department of Medical Toxicology Banner – University Medical Center Phoenix @SteveCurryMD Drug and toxin-induced liver diseases comprise various histologic patterns. A few examples a toxicologist may encounter include perisinusoidal fibrosis with hypervitaminosis A, peliosis hepatis from sex steroids, veno-occlusive […]